Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
5genesis-wp6 | [no description available] |
6G-Fusion | 6G-Fusion |
6GCloud | 6GCloud MNL |
Agrarian | Agrarian MNL |
Agrarian-eu | AGRARIAN MNL |
Agrarian-fstp | MNL |
Agrarian-wp1 | CORE |
Agrarian-wp2 | CORE |
Agrarian-wp3 | CORE |
Agrarian-wp4 | CORE |
Agrarian-wp5 | CORE |
Agrarian-wp6 | CORE |
AI-Politeia | AI-Politeia - SKEL |
AI4Copernicus | [no description available] |
AI4Copernicus-1stOpenCall | AI4Copernicus-1stOpenCall SKEL |
AI4Copernicus-3rdOpenCall | AI4Copernicus-3rdOpenCall SKEL |
AI4Copernicus-4thOpenCall | AI4Copernicus-4thOpenCall SKEL |
Ai4Copernicus-5thOpenCall | AI4Copernicus-5thOpenCall SKEL |
AI4Copernicus-wp1 | [no description available] |
Ai4copernicus-wp7 | Ai4 copernicus SKEL |
Biocakt | [no description available] |
Biohit | [no description available] |
Boemie | [no description available] |
cakt | CAKT group |
Cargo | MNL |
changer-wp1-comms | Changer - SKEL |
changer-wp2 | Changer - SKEL |
changer-wp3 | Changer - SKEL |
changer-wp4 | Changer - SKEL |
changer-wp5 | Changer - SKEL |
CIL | Computational Intelligence Laboratory Mailing List |
civilnext-general | [no description available] |
CIVILnEXt-wp1 | [no description available] |
CIVILnEXt-wp10 | [no description available] |
CIVILnEXt-wp11 | [no description available] |
CIVILnEXt-wp12 | [no description available] |
CIVILnEXt-wp2 | [no description available] |
CIVILnEXt-wp3 | [no description available] |
CIVILnEXt-wp4 | [no description available] |
CIVILnEXt-wp5 | [no description available] |
CIVILnEXt-wp6 | [no description available] |
CIVILnEXt-wp7 | [no description available] |
CIVILnEXt-wp8 | [no description available] |
CIVILnEXt-wp9 | [no description available] |
Cna | Complex Network Analysis - SKEL |
Cobalt-wp1 | MNL |
Cobalt-wp2 | MNL |
Cobalt-wp3 | MNL |
Cobalt-wp4 | MNL |
Cobalt-wp5 | MNL |
Cobalt-wp6 | MNL |
Cy-cise | [no description available] |
Cy-cise-financial | [no description available] |
Cy-cise-wp1 | [no description available] |
Cy-cise-wp2 | [no description available] |
Cy-cise-wp3 | [no description available] |
Cy-cise-wp4 | [no description available] |
Demokritos-all-postgrad | List of Demokritos postgraduate students |
ditsef-all | [no description available] |
DSMSc_Instructors | Data Science MSc Instructors |
E-trauma | [no description available] |
Gil4wadmin | gil4w admin NML |
Gil4wlist | gil4w NML |
Governance-01-6 | SKEL |
Graphics-net | [no description available] |
HLTL | Hellenic Language Technology List |
Iit-admins | IIT Admins |
Iit-assistant-researchers | [no description available] |
iit-cpersonnel | IIT Collaborating Personnel |
IIT-Permanent-Researchers | [no description available] |
IIT-PostDoc-Researchers | [no description available] |
Info-from-IIT | [no description available] |
Insane | Insane (SKEL) |
ISL | ISL group |
Islanders | [no description available] |
Islsupport | [no description available] |
Limassol_platform | [no description available] |
Magellan | [no description available] |
Marine-eo | [no description available] |
Marine-EO-communication | [no description available] |
Marine-eo-financial | [no description available] |
Marine-eo-wp1 | [no description available] |
Marine-eo-wp2 | [no description available] |
Marine-eo-wp3 | [no description available] |
Marine-eo-wp4 | [no description available] |
Marine-eo-wp5 | [no description available] |
Marine-eo-wp6 | [no description available] |
Marine-eo-wp7 | [no description available] |
Marine-eo-wp8 | [no description available] |
Marine-eo-wp9 | [no description available] |
MedIEQ | E-mail List for MedIEQ partners |
Mimosat | Mimosat Proposal - WiCom |
NanoAI | Empowering Natural Sciences with Artificial Intelligence |
National_AI_Strategy | [no description available] |
Nephele | [no description available] |
Netusers | All IIT Users |
Newiitbuilding | [no description available] |
Oasees | oasees SNCRG |
oasees-wp1 | OASEES MNL |
oasees-wp2 | OASEES MNL |
oasees-wp3 | OASEES MNL |
oasees-wp4 | OASEES MNL |
oasees-wp5 | OASEES MNL |
oasees-wp6 | OASEES MNL |
Omadiko | Omadiki Asfaleia Allianz |
Orchestra | Orchestra MNL |
Panda5g | [no description available] |
Personnel.taktikos | [no description available] |
Platform-leaders-5genesis | [no description available] |
Popai-general | [no description available] |
Pqreact-general | Pqreact-general MNL |
Pqreact-wp1 | Pqreact-wp1 MNL |
Pqreact-wp2 | Pqreact-wp2 MNL |
Pqreact-wp3 | Pqreact-wp3 MNL |
Pqreact-wp4 | Pqreact-wp4 MNL |
Pqreact-wp5 | Pqreact-wp5 MNL |
Pqreact-wp6 | Pqreact-wp6 MNL |
Pqreact-wp7 | Pqreact-wp7 |
Repr | SKEL repr |
Scovis | [no description available] |
setn2010 | SETN2010 |
SKEL | Members of SKEL |
Skiadopoulos_mentoring | Skiadopoulos_mentoring SKEL |
Smartattica-assoc-partners | Smart Attica Associate Partners (ahedd) |
smartattica-partners | Smartattica-Partners (ahedd) |
sncrg-all | CORE @ IIT |
sp100 | |
SP200 | |
sp300 | |
sp400 | |
sp500 | |
sp600 | |
sp700 | |
TCO-Cluster | FRISCO sibling partners TCO cluster |
Telecoms | IIT Telecommunications Group |
Telecoms-sbc | IIT Telecommunications Steering Board |
VAST | VAST Project - Horizon 101004949 |
VAST-WP6 | [no description available] |
Yd-iit | IIT PhD Candidates |
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