[Graphics-net] SHREC'08 - Shape Retrieval Contest 2008 (tracks announced)

Panagiotis Papadakis ppapadak at iit.demokritos.gr
Tue Feb 26 21:21:00 EET 2008

    SHREC'08 - Shape Retrieval Contest 2008


After two years of success the Network of Excellence AIM at SHAPE is taking 
the initiative to organize the third edition of SHREC - 3D Shape 
Retrieval Contest 2008. The general objective is to evaluate the 
effectiveness of 3D-shape retrieval algorithms. The contest is organized 
in conjunction with the SMI'08 conference (Shape Modeling 
International), where the evaluation results will be presented.

*New* this year is that we aim to publish the results in the SMI 
proceedings. Last year the contest was extended to cover multiple 
tracks, and thanks to the effort of previous track organizers, SHREC 
already provides many sources to compare and evaluate 3D retrieval 
methods. For this year's contest, we aim at new and improved tracks. For 
that, the participants are requested to have an active role in the 
organization. This includes proposing track themes, building or 
acquiring a test collection and deciding upon the queries, relevance 
assessment, and performance measures.


The following tracks are organized. For a descrption of the task, the 
collections, queries, evaluation, procedures, and time schedule, follow 
the links or contact the track coordinator.

    * Stability on watertight models
      Organizer: Silvia Biasotti (CNR-IMATI)
      Contact: silvia"@"ge.imati.cnr.it
      Web page: http://shrec.ge.imati.cnr.it/shrec08_stability.html
    * Classification of watertight models
      Organizer: Daniela Giorgi (CNR-IMATI)
      Contact: daniela"@"ge.imati.cnr.it
      Web page: http://shrec.ge.imati.cnr.it/shrec08_classification.html
    * CAD models
      Organizer: Karthik Ramani, Ramanathan Muthuganapathy (Purdue
      Contact: shrec"@"purdue.edu, rmuthuga at purdue.edu
      Web page: https://engineering.purdue.edu/PRECISE/shrec08
    * Generic 3D models
      Organizer: Ryutarou Ohbuchi (University of Yamanashi)
      Contact:  ohbuchi"@"yamanashi.ac.jp
      Web page: http://www.kki.yamanashi.ac.jp/~ohbuchi/research/SHREC/
    * 3D face models
      Organizers: Mohamed Daoudi (Telecom Lille1), Frank ter Haar, Remco
      Veltkamp (Utrecht University)
      Contact: shrec"@"cs.uu.nl
      Web page: http://give-lab.cs.uu.nl/SHREC/shrec2008/

The following list is a step-by-step description of the activities:

   1. Potential track organizers send their proposal to
      shrec"@"cs.uu.nl, describing the envisioned task, collection,
      queries, ground truth, evaluation method, and expected number of
   2. Promising tracks and their organizers are listed at the SHREC web
      page, the track organizers start working out the details.
   3. Participants register to the tracks they want to participate in.
   4. Each track is performed according its own schedule.
   5. The track organizers collect the results.
   6. The track results are combined into the proceedings.
   7. The description of the tracks and their results are presented in a
      SHREC session at SMI'08.

      Overall schedule

February 8 - Submission deadline for track proposals.
April 1        - Each track is finished, and results are ready for 
inclusion in the SMI'08 proceedings.
June 4-6    - Results presented at a session of SMI'08, proceedings 

The individual tracks will have their own time schedule for registration 
of participants, release of queries or submission of executables, 
submission of results, etc.


The SHREC contest is an initiative of the Network of Excellence 
AIM at SHAPE, http://www.aimatshape.net/ and supported by the FOCUS-K3D 
project. For information about the contest, the results, etc. see 
http://www.aimatshape.net/event/SHREC/. To contact the organizers, send 
a message to shrec at cs.uu.nl. The SHREC organizers are Frank ter Haar and 
Remco Veltkamp. The results of SHREC'08 are presented at a special 
session of SMI'08, Shape Modeling International, 

For registration, questions, etc., please contact shrec"@"cs.uu.nl 
<mailto:shrec at cs.uu.nl>

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